How to build a Portfolio Gallery in Webflow

How to build a Portfolio Gallery in Webflow

connor finlayson
Connor Finlayson
December 29, 2020

In this video, I share with you how I use Webflow, Airtable, Zapier and Parabola to build a dynamic portfolio gallery for my freelancers on Unicorn Factory. Freelancers with case studies convert 3 times better than freelancers without which is why I recommend adding a showcase to your service marketplace!

MVMP Launchpad: https://www.connorfinlayson.com/mvmp-...


00:00 Intro

00:58 Overview

01:41 Unicorn Factory Showcase

02:17 How freelancers add case studies

03:07 Portfolio Collection Setup

04:38 Displaying Case Studies on Profile Pages

05:23 Portfolio Airtable Setup

05:46 Zapier Workflow for adding Portfolio Items

07:03 Hiden the Portfolio Section with a switch

08:06 How to add gallery images via Parabola

09:58 MVMP Launchpad