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5 Essential AI Workflows for Your Business Without Coding

Glide has launched some awesome features that allow us to implement AI features into our Glide features. We explore 5 use cases that you can start implementing today even if you can't code.

August 11, 2023

Glide is BY FAR the best tool for implementing AI workflows in your business, even if you can't code.

I will show you five different ways you can use Glide's latest AI features to take your business to the next level. Here is what we will cover:

1. How to use "Chat/Prompt Completions" with GlideAI or OpenAI to create educational tools.
2. How to use the "Ask a table a question" feature to build a Q&A knowledge bank for your business.
3. How to use "Audio-to-Text" to transcribe your voice notes into social posts.
4. How to use "PDF-to-text" to extract data from a PDF.
5. How to use "Image-to-text" to turn a photo of groceries into a recipe.

The possibilities are limitless. If you want to learn how to get started with No-Code and AI, follow along! 👇


Chat or Prompt Completion with GlideAI or OpenAI

Ever wished you could just ask your computer something and get an answer? That's what Chat or Prompt Completion with GlideAI or OpenAI does. It's like chatting with a really clever friend.

Imagine you run a business, and your customers have questions. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a virtual helper that talks to them? Well, with Glide and OpenAI, you can build just that!

How does it work?

It's like sending a text message. You connect to OpenAI through Glide, type in your question, and boom! The computer gives you an answer. You can make it feel like a real chat or just get straight to the point.

What could I build with this?

The sky's the limit! Here's what you could do:

  • Need a chat system for customer support? You can make one.
  • Want to write fun or creative stuff? It can help with that.
  • Building learning apps for students? This is your tool.
  • Fancy making a game that talks back? Go for it!

With Glide and OpenAI, you can let your imagination run wild. It's like having a new superpower, and it's all yours to play with. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try!

Ask a Table a Question with OpenAI

Do you have a table filled with information and want to make it interactive? Imagine if someone could just ask a question and get an answer right from your table. With OpenAI and Glide, you can do exactly that!

Think about a FAQ section on a website. What if your customers could just type their question and get an answer straight from your database? Like, "What are your office hours?" and instantly get a response. That's what you can do here.

How does it work?

It's as simple as asking a question. Someone types a question, OpenAI in Glide looks at the right table, finds the answer, and tells the person. All of this without you having to lift a finger!

What could I build with this?

The possibilities are broad:

  • An interactive FAQ system? You can build it.
  • A customer support app that answers questions on the spot? No problem.
  • A learning tool that interacts with students? Go for it.

With OpenAI and Glide, you can turn boring tables into lively conversations. It's like giving voice to your data. Try it out and see the magic happen!


Transcribe Audio with Google Cloud

Ever wished you could turn spoken words into written text? With Google Cloud in Glide, you can transcribe audio. It's like having someone write down everything that's said in a recording!

Say you run a podcast, and you want to provide transcripts for your listeners. You just record the audio, and this feature will write it down for you. It's that simple.

How does it work?

You record something using Glide's audio recorder tool. Save that audio as a URL. Then, with Google Cloud, you turn the audio into words. You speak, and it writes – like magic!

What could I build with this?

Think of all the things you can do:

  • Transcripts for podcasts or interviews? Done.
  • Turn voice notes into written reminders? Easy.
  • Create text versions of meetings or speeches? Absolutely.

With Google Cloud and Glide, words aren't just for speaking. You can write them down without typing a single letter. Try it and see how it can change the way you work!


Extract Text from a PDF with Google Cloud Vision

Need to get text out of a PDF? Google Cloud Vision lets you do that in Glide. It's like having the ability to copy and paste, but from any PDF file. Imagine having a library of PDFs and being able to pull text from any of them without typing it out yourself!

How does it work?

It's quite simple. You take a PDF file, and with Google Cloud Vision in Glide, you pull the text from it. It's as if you're reading the PDF and jotting down the words, but it's all done for you.

What could I build with this?

Think of the endless possibilities:

  • Run a business with loads of documents? Extract data without manually typing it out.
  • Are you a student? Pull quotes from academic papers instantly.
  • Need to organize digital content? Create a system that reads all your PDFs for you.

With the power to extract text from PDFs, your workflow can be more efficient, and your creativity can flourish. Try it out and explore the possibilities for yourself!

Part 5: Image to Text

Ever wished you could just copy and paste the text from a photo or a scanned document? That's exactly what image to text with Google Cloud Vision in Glide lets you do. It's like magic, turning pictures of words into actual text.

How does it work?

All you need is an image that has some text in it. With Glide's integration with Google Cloud Vision, the system will look at the image, find the text, and turn it into words you can use. It's like having a friend who can read any handwriting and tell you what it says.

What could I build with this?

This feature opens up many possibilities:

  • Traveling and found a menu in a language you don't know? Snap a photo and translate it.
  • Have a stack of old receipts you need to log? Just take pictures and extract the information.
  • Want to help visually impaired people read signs and labels? Build an app that speaks the text from photos.

The sky's the limit with image to text. It's like having a superpower that can read anything, anywhere. Give it a try, and see where it takes you!


And just like that you have learned five ways to use AI in no-code to build AI apps. Let's recap what we covered:

  1. Chat or Prompt Completion with GlideAI or OpenAI: We discovered a way to create interactive chat experiences and automate various tasks without the need for coding skills.
  2. Ask a Table a Question with OpenAI: We learned about creating dynamic FAQ systems, allowing businesses to answer customer queries quickly by searching within a database.
  3. Transcribe Audio with Google Cloud: This section taught us how to convert spoken language into written text, enabling numerous applications like transcription services and voice-to-text notes.
  4. Extract Text from a PDF with Google Cloud Vision: We learned how to pull information from PDF files, which can be valuable for data extraction, education, content management, and more.
  5. Image to Text: This feature taught us how to extract and utilize text from images, offering vast opportunities, from translating foreign language menus to automating document processing.

I love to see what you are working on, so if you are using AI in your apps, either drop a comment on the YouTube video or send me a message.

Use the code


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