How to build an Analytics Dashboard in Webflow

How to build an Analytics Dashboard in Webflow

connor finlayson
Connor Finlayson
December 9, 2020

In this video, I break down how I built the Unicorn Factory Freelancer Analytics page allows them to get daily updates on how many profile views they been getting, how many enquiries they received and much more.I use Webflow, Airtable, Memberstack and Parabola to power my Analytics Dashboard.


0:00 Intro

01:18 How it works

01:43 Design and build page in Webflow

02:24 Adding custom fields to Memberstack

02:40 Hide custom fields from Profile

03:18 Applying MS Attributes to Webflow

04:14 Adding new fields to Airtable

06:13 Page Views in Google Analytics

07:45 How Parabola works

08:23 Importing Airtable & Google Analytics Data

09:54 Update Airtable with the latest Google Analytics Data

10:18 Exporting the updated data to Memberstack