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Learn how to create user-specific links on your Webflow membership site using Memberstack. This step-by-step guide will walk you through setting up and embedding custom code to personalize user experiences.
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The use case I discuss in this video is when a user wants to view their profile from inside of the freelancer dashboard but this exact them process can be used for a variety of workflows.
Apply a custom attribute to the link element and give the attribute a name (for example "profile-url") and then set the value to true.
Embed the following code in the footer of your custom code section inside of your Webflow projects settings.
MemberStack.onReady.then(function(member) {
var url = member["profile-url"]
var els = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("[profile-url]"))
for (var el of els) {
el.href = url
🔗 Tutorial + Code Snippet:
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If you are using Memberstack to run a membership site on Webflow, you will know that you can use custom attributes to store member data like their names, plans, or signup dates in Webflow. But what about links? How can you turn a Webflow element into a link that is stored inside of Memberstack?
In today's video, I will show you how to do that.
00:00 Overview
01:17 Use Case: View Profile Link
02:23 How to set up the link element in Webflow
03:49 Embed Custom Code
Discover how to generate programmatic landing pages with Webflow CMS, Airtable, and AI to scale your marketing.
In most cases, yes.