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Discover an advanced method to rank freelancers on your no-code marketplace. Learn to use Webflow for display, Airtable for calculations, and Parabola for automation!
Join 13k+ entrepreneurs and receive tutorials, tips, and strategies for building smarter digital products using no-code, AI, and automation.
This is an advanced tutorial on how I use Webflow, Airtable and Parabola to calculate a score for each freelancer on my freelancer marketplace that determines their ranking on my website. This tutorial will go into how to use Airtable calculations and formulas, as well as setting up syncs in Parabola.
00:00 Overview
00:42 The Ranking Algorithm
02:02 Sort Order in Webflow
04:06 Calculating the Delta Message Score in Airtable
08:35 Daily Workflow Automation in Parabola
09:55 Benefits of automating rankings
Discover how to generate programmatic landing pages with Webflow CMS, Airtable, and AI to scale your marketing.
In most cases, yes.