Single and multi-reference fields in Webflow | Webflow CMS Automations Part 3

Single and multi-reference fields in Webflow | Webflow CMS Automations Part 3

connor finlayson
Connor Finlayson
February 18, 2022

In this video, we are going to go over mapping single and multi-reference fields to the Webflow CMS inside of Zapier and Integromat. We are also dive into some low-code concepts that will allow you go beyond some of Zapier's limitations with the Webflow CMS.


00:00 Intro

03:30 Single reference field workflow

08:15 Multi-reference field workflows

10:40 Code Meets No-code

12:00 Custom request step in Zapier

18:00 Postman

24:00 Formatting Webflow IDs in Zapier